
Ready for Spring

Ahh, a cute little accidental face to start off 2014. Not that there haven't been other faces in places, but I neglected to document them. Because I'm a slacker. At any rate, I feel the same way about the weather lately. But at least there's snow to play in.

I guess this is a little easier to see.

Also, here's a jack-o-bush by my house. Creepy.


Gotcher Back

Finally remembered to bring a camera to the fitness center... this face has been egging me on all semester.

Cover Band Potty

What's a street fest without cover bands and port-a-potties? Nothing. Fortunately Allison and I saw quite a few this summer, and look who else was there.

Shy Beach Watcher

So many talented face spotters out there now! Thanks for seeing and sending them all, people!
CF said she "Saw this one while taking photos with Tamara at Montrose Beach Sunday morning :)" Love it!
The second one was in the vet's office...probably early in the morning.

A Small Collection from Lenore

These faces from Lenore's various travels were languishing in email, but no more! Here we have a happy plane, a quizzical box, a disgruntled monster, an impatient purse (which was in line at the airport), and some kind of Frankensteiny thing on top of a building.


Cin-fully Delicious

Lenore said her cinnamon roll was good, the rest of the meal, not so much.