
Killer Tomato?

Tomato or alien head? You decide. Either way, I'm kind of glad it's not any bigger [shudder]. Lenore found this sad sight in her garden.

This cute little cartoon-like cherry tomato looks a little less ominous even though it's still, you know, a bodiless head.

Getting Toasted

Saw these antique toaster faces at The Short Stack in Algonquin. Delicious pancakes and an audience to boot.

The syrup was friendly too.

Cora made her own face with leftover sausages and syrup.


Face in Space

Here is a very cool submission (and explanation) from Laura, who works for NASA (yes, THAT NASA!).
One of the web sites I maintain allows users to generate images of the sky using our software and data. We recently added a feature that allows them to submit images to an image gallery. I thought this one was interesting. The center galaxy is called M86 (or Messier 86). M84 is the round one to the right. These galaxies are in a group of galaxies called the Virgo cluster. Charles Messier observed and catalogued objects in the late 1700s.



What happens in the port-o-potty stays in the port-o-potty... Just ask Lenore, who was just as shocked to see she wasn't alone as she went about her business.

'Course, being watched in the shower can also be unnerving.

Here you can see Lenore wasn't the only one getting tired of sitting in the waiting room.

And look! More accidental faces! I love these.

Lastly, we bring you some wood spirits from D.C. I think these live in Lyla's floor.