
What are You Sinking About?

Lenore's dad kept hearing someone talking to him in the bathroom...

Lenore wasn't alone in the doctor's office. Let's hope this doesn't mean the doctor is a quack.


Space Face

Recently the Moon was illuminated in close proximity to Venus and Jupiter during a rare celestial phenomenon called a planetary occultation. Who knew! I remember hearing it was happening, but it was cloudy by us, so we never actually got to see it. Turns out, occulation could very well be another name for "face in space"! Check it out. Thanks to Joules for sending me the pics.

In Kathmandu...

In the Phillippines...

Over Hawaii...

It was a frowny face over Washington. Maybe because George Bush is still there.

In other face news, Lenore spotted these. The first one is her soap dispenser in the hospital. Who knew soap could be so cool?

We featured this church door before, but the wreaths give it a whole new attitude.


Plain As The Plane On My Face

Lenore spotted another face during her last trip...and she found another one in her camera.


Rotten Tomato Face

I was carefully nurturing the very last tomato from the garden, allowing it to gently ripen on the window sill, while unbeknownst to me, alien spores were voraciously attacking, attempting no doubt to turn this poor, lonely summer fruit into one of their own. Judging from the look on his face, the transition did not go well. So much for one last BLT.

Southern Indiana Faces

Lenore spotted these during her recent work travels.