
Shower Tower

Lenore thought this tower looked like it was wearing a shower cap. :)

Here's another Latvian face from Laura. Maybe she'll post a comment and tell us what it is (the building). Hint, hint.



More Latvian Facescapes

I particularly like this one with the galloping crud climbing up his face. :)


More Looks

Lenore just sent more faces. The first one is from her morning coffee, and the second one she spotted in the national forest in Dunte, Latvia. This blog is so intercontinental! The last one she dubbed Pinoccio for obvious reasons.



I think that means "have a look" in Latvian. Hopefully if I'm wrong, it's not something insulting. At any rate, Lenore and Graeme have been busy spotting faces on the Baltic side of the world. Here are some from Riga, Latvia.

Graeme spotted this one -- it looks a little like some of his video game characters. Or a distant relative of Strong Bad.


Mini Faces

Lenore took all of these from inside my Mini Cooper. Isn't she clever?!