
Too Many Beans

This is from Austin relayed by Laura. I love the expression and the explanation for the expression that's written across his face.


Full House

There's always a full house in the conference center where I work. :)
I noticed this hilarious phenomenon the first time I went in there, and it never ceases to make me giggle. I like the way some of the seats have different expressions.

Out of State Faces

Lenore found all of these faces during her recent travels for work. She's winning lots of potholders -- I better not start seeing them on ebay!

One of the weight machines in the fitness center at work.


Lenore is Never Alone When She Travels

See, when you see faces, you'll always have a friend to talk to. Even if it's made of plastic.

I'm not sure what this is, I got no explanation with the e-mail, but it's fabulous!


Wet Winky

For those who are tracking, Laura spotted this in the women's bathroom near the baggage claim at Washington National Airport.


Now Available on Ebay...

I was thinking of posting this on ebay as a likeness of the Virgin Mary...or maybe Obama. It should fetch a cool million, don't you think?

Then we could include the super delegates...

Here's one that Lenore spotted at her birthday party. Gives a whole new meaning to bag lady!