
Happy Mail, Happy Deadbold, Happy Belt ... They's All Happy

A few more faces that Lenore found on her iPhone. Shout out to Greg, who sent me the Happy Chair is Happy link on Facebook. Everybody's getting on the "faces in places" bandwagon! These are the folks who brought us lolcats, so the submissions are fun, and you can enter their various caption contests.


Grumpy, Frowny, and Sharpy

For lack of a better title anyway...
Coworker Pat noted that often these flowers look grumpy. I guess if my name was Pansy, I'd be grumpy too.

Then there's this little happenstance of disgruntlement. It amuses me to find these little accidental faces, even if they're temporary.

This is one of the vintage pencil sharpeners I accidentally bought on ebay. Long story. Anybody need a pencil sharpener?