

Yeasty Beasty

This freaky face wasn't actually submitted, I stumbled upon it, but it's too good not to post. Credit for this photo goes to the lolcat page.


Excuse Me, Sir, But This Is The Lady's Room

Does anyone else see the profile of a guy to the right of the door lock? Yikes! It's enough to give someone paruresis. Taken in the luxurious stalls of MCC. Doesn't everyone take a camera to the bathroom with them?

Also, saw this on the vending machine. My what big teeth you have...
I wonder how Bill feels about this.

Thanks John!

Shout out to 5 1/2-year-old John in TX for spotting this face on what I hope was a tasty treat (as opposed to something fished out of the garbage). The future is bright for such an eagle eyed youngin'!
